Champions for Health Equity through Nursing Coalition™ (Coalition) members work on a range of activities based on their interests and availabilities, pursuing shared goals of improving consumer access to care, strengthening and diversifying the nursing workforce, advancing health equity solutions and promoting nurse leadership at all levels.

Specific actions include:

  • Participating in and promoting events to raise awareness and implement recommendations in the National Academy of Medicine’s Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. 
  • Co-creating and implementing initiatives to eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity.
  • Connecting and engaging members and stakeholders with the Campaign’s state-based  Action Coalitions and AARP state offices.
  • Building the numbers, diversity, and effectiveness of the nursing workforce through policy changes, mentoring, and other strategies.
  • Advancing public and institutional policy solutions that expand consumer access to care and services, including nurses’ ability to practice to the full extent of their education and training.
  • Disseminating (co)created content, solutions and programs to targeted audiences and educating and activating respective members on the priorities of AARP’s Center for Health Equity Through Nursing’s (A-CHEN), which serves as a vehicle for change and national resource for advancing health equity.

Is your organization interested in joining the Champions for Health Equity through Nursing Coalition™ ?

Meet the Coalition Members