
    2023 Health Equity Summit: TURNING COMMITMENTS INTO ACTION

    On Oct. 31-Nov. 1 invited guests will attend a conference featuring panel discussions and seven interactive workshops, with the goal of developing action plans for nurses to lead in building health equity.

    Turning Commitments into Action


    Are you looking for ideas on how to implement recommendations from the National Academy of Medicine’s May 2021 report, the Future of Nursing 2020 – 2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity?

    Action Hub Future of Nursing 2030


    The Campaign for Action and AARP have awarded more than $700,000 to fund 16 projects throughout the nation aimed at eliminating structural inequities, particularly structural racism, within nursing, health systems, or the community.

    Recipients of Health Equity Innovations Fund Awards

    Equity-Minded Nurse Awards

    Apply for one of the five Equity-Minded Nurse award categories.

    Equity-Minded Nurse Awards

An Initiative of

We’re Building Healthier Communities Through Nursing

America’s 4.4+ million registered nurses are key to improving health equity and creating communities in which everyone has access to high-quality care.

The Latest News

  1. Help Wanted: Nurse Mentors for a More Diverse Nurse Workforce

    Apr 11, 2023

    The AARP Center for Health Equity through NursingSM (A-CHEN) is seeking nurses, working or retired, to mentor nursing students from underrepresented communities. A mentor is defined as a wise and trusted counselor or teacher, a tutor, advisor, or coach. Mentors can also more

    Issues: Increasing Diversity in Nursing

  2. Maps Illustrate a Decade of Progress in Nursing Education

    Mar 22, 2023

    From its earliest days, the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, an initiative of AARP Foundation, AARP and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, has worked to implement recommendations in the 2010 Institute of Medicine report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, more

  3. Video: Medicare Savings Programs Could Be Helping More Older Adults

    Mar 15, 2023

    A new AARP Policy Now video explores why 1.4 million eligible low-income Medicare beneficiaries are not enrolled in state level programs that can save them at least $1,900 a year in health care costs. Under Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs), state Medicaid agencies pay more

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Learn about our Progress

Updated our goals in 2024

  1. Dashboard

    Jan 04, 2024

    In 2024, the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action sharpened the focus of its dashboard to two main areas of work: improving consumer access to care and diversifying nursing at all levels so it reflects the U.S. population. The dashboard is a series of graphs and charts the Campaign uses to evaluate its efforts to implement recommendations from the more

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