Webinar on Innovative Approaches to Nursing Education during Uncertain Times
The NC AHEC Nurse Council and the NC Community College System invite you to attend the 2021 Academic Progression Conference: “Innovative Approaches to Nursing Education during Uncertain Times,” a live webinar from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on February 4 and 5, 2021, that will address challenges with alternative teaching strategies, student/faculty engagement, and strategies to promote transition to practice. Target audience: Deans, directors, faculty, chairs, and leaders from all academic nursing programs. For more information, contact Kathy Clark, MS, RN, at 919-350-8740 or kgclark@wakeahec.org. https://www.wakeahec.org/datafiles/2021_academic_progression_postcard_v2.pdf