Allow us to boast about what we’ve accomplished as a result of our RWJF State Implementation Program (SIP) 4 project:
Project Goal #1: Applications for Vermont’s four RN to BSN programs will meet or exceed the capacity of each program by 2017.
In the first quarter of the SIP4 grant period, a Vermont RN to BSN campaign was developed to include a diverse audience. A website was launched, including content highlighting value and process of RN to BSN education an inbound marketing software platform, social media marketing, and direct marketing materials.
Project Goal #2: Develop and evaluate an educational program for nurse practitioners as an overview and introduction to the business skills needed to establish an NP-led practice.
Existing materials regarding independent practice were researched and reviewed, and input was obtained from NPs in independent practice to develop curriculum. A medium for program dissemination has been chosen and is currently in development.
Project Goal #3: Develop and evaluate an Interprofessional Practice program in the home health setting.
A curriculum has been designed for training Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the home health setting and a CHW job description has been developed and advertised. Approximately 15 PCAs or LNAs representing diverse communities and/or who are bilingual are currently enrolled and have begun training. With 15 identified as maximum capacity for the training, a wait list has been created for future offerings.