Displaying 17-19 of 19
Dec 10, 2014
According to a survey of Massachusetts health care employers, 90 percent of acute care hospitals have a formal goal to increase the proportion of nurses with bachelor’s degrees (BSN) in their workforce, but fewer than half require new hires or current nursing staff to more
Issues: Increasing Diversity in Nursing Transforming Nursing Education Location: Massachusetts
Aug 19, 2014
Kathleen Scoble, ED, RN, dean of the Elms College School of Nursing, has been named to the Board of Trustees of Baystate Health, a western Massachusetts-based non-profit health care provider. She is the first nurse ever appointed to the board. Baystate Health is one of the more
Issues: Promoting Nursing Leadership Location: Massachusetts
Jun 10, 2014
The goals of the Nursing Education Transfer Compact are to: – Create a seamless, cost effective, timely, and transparent pathway from the community college AD/N to the BS/N degree at a state university or the University of Massachusetts; – Make the process of transferring credits more
Issues: Transforming Nursing Education Location: Massachusetts