Using the Guidelines of Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation to Build a Culture of Health
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action strives to ensure that everyone in America can live a healthier life supported by a system where nurses are essential partners in providing care and promoting health. As the largest and most trusted profession, nurses have the power to be influential in leading a Culture of Health across the communities where they reside.
And that includes leading by example by living a healthier lifestyle. By now, you have likely heard of the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation Grand Challenge, an initiative of the American Nurses Association (ANA), designed to transform the health of the nation by improving the health of the nation’s 3.8 million registered nurses.
On Monday, Jan. 22, the Campaign for Action will team with the ANA for a webinar on this critical initiative with a look at how to connect and engage nurses, other healthcare employees, nursing students, schools of nursing, and partner organizations to take action within five areas: physical activity, sleep, nutrition, quality of life, and safety. We will also examine some of the health data on weight, sleep and stress that prompted this effort, and highlight how several Action Coalitions are already involved.
Below we highlight fresh perspectives and innovative ideas from Action Coalitions in Arizona and New York that we will discuss on the webinar. We hope you will join us.
Arizona Action Coalition
The Arizona Nurses Association (AzNA) was an early adopter of the Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation initiative. The focus of their work has been on the health of their nurses. Conference themes for the past few years have focused on self-care topics such as stress management, healthy eating, wellness, relaxation and more. Social media has played a big role in nurse engagement. One of the highlights of their local work is the Nurse Retreat which continues to grow in number of attendees every year. AzNA recently became a community partner for Live Well Arizona, a statewide initiative to develop healthier, more livable communities in Arizona. Their work will continue to grow in this area.
New York State Action Coalition
The New York State Action Coalition (NYSAC) sponsors a booth each summer at the New York State Fair in Syracuse, N.Y. with nursing students from Keuka College. At the booth, nurses and students promote the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations on nursing to the fair that attracts more than 1 million visitors. In 2017, the NYSAC expanded its booth to include the American Nurses Association’s Healthy Nurse, Healthy Nation initiative, focusing on physical activity, nutrition, rest, quality of life and safety.