This page is a consolidated list of resources and tools for your Action Coalition. Below you will find guidance on a range of topics, from how to reach other Action Coalition members to what to do when your Action Coalition leadership changes. We also have a Campaign deck for presenting about health equity, as well as branding guidelines and more.

Action Coalition Co-Leaders and Key Contacts

Find all contact information for Action Coalition leadership here. The list is updated regularly. 

Action Coalition Liaisons and Diversity Consultants 

Find your state’s liaison and diversity consultant. 

Action Coalition New-Member Form 

Are you trying to capture contact information for new Action Coalition members? The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action has developed a new form to help. Customize it by adding your own branding and tailor it to your needs.

Action Plan Template for the Future of Nursing 2030 Report 

Use the blank action plan template for you and your Action Coalition as you take ownership in bringing the Future of Nursing 2020 2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity report’s vision to life.  

Campaign Branding Guidelines

Find out what you can and can’t do with the Campaign for Action brand by reviewing the Branding Guidelines for Action Coalitions. 

Campaign Imperatives 

View the five Campaign Imperatives.

Campaign Health Equity PowerPoint Presentation and Template 

The  Campaign Health Equity PowerPoint presentation (updated 5/19/2022) and accompanying template can help you tell the story of the Campaign and nurses leading to achieve health equity.

Citing and Promoting Contributors to Your Work 

It is importance to recognize and publicly acknowledging the scholarship and contributions that key leaders and participants make to the work of your Action Coalition. Read the guidance that should apply to all of our work. 

Fundraising Toolkit 

The Fundraising toolkit  includes overview materials, resource guides and workbooks to aid your Action Coalition in your work to secure financial support for programs and initiatives. 

Guidance for Navigating the Involvement of Political Candidates and Elected or Appointed Officials 

To protect your Action Coalition from risks related to lobbying and ethics law, campaign finance rules, and nonprofit status, it’s important to proceed carefully when involving political candidates. Read our guidance document. 

Health Equity Toolkit 

The Health Equity Toolkit is a one stop shop for tools, resources, and information that your Action Coalition and partners can utilize to help communities in your state address the social determinants of health.

Hot Topics  

Get your Action Coalition engaged with the Campaign through Hot Topics,  off-the-record conversations. The intention is to engage thought-provoking issues associated with the National Academy of Medicine’s report, the Future of Nursing, 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Health Equity.

Learning Collaboratives  

The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action hosts regularly scheduled learning collaboratives, which can be opportunities for your  Action Coalition to learn and share knowledge about priority issues with other Action Coalitions, subject matter experts and Campaign stakeholders.   

Nurses on Boards Coalition Action Coalition Representation

Meet the Action Coalition representatives on the Nurses on Boards Coalition and view the 2022-2025 strategy map. 

Nursing Innovations Fund Overview

This is an overview of the Campaign’s Nursing Innovations Fund, small grants that are leveraging big change by cultivating equity-minded nurses, engaging them in building healthier communities, and investing in solutions that can be replicated over time. It’s a one-page document (front and back), is visual, with photos, and highlights projects completed with fund dollars and resulting accomplishments.

Sign up for the Campaign Update 

Twice a month, the Campaign Update publishes news about nursing, funding opportunities, and meetings and webinars relevant to the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action and its allies.  Sign up to keep yourself and your Action Coalition in the know.

When a Co-Lead Changes 

Change happens. If your Action Coalition a undergoes change in leadership — either in a co-lead or a co-lead organization — the Campaign for Action needs to know.