Location   California

Displaying 1-8 of 16

  1. Hassmiller Receives HealthImpact DAISY Lifetime Achievement Award For Policy

    Sep 14, 2022

    Susan B. Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN For her decades of policy work that have advanced compassionate care, Susan B. Hassmiller, PhD, RN, FAAN, was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award for Policy by HealthImpact and the DAISY Foundation on Monday, September more

    Location: California

  2. 50 Questions About Racism in Nursing

    Aug 31, 2021

    The American Nurses Association\California (ANA California) has created an important tool to assess the extent to which racism permeates nursing in California’s health care system. But it goes further than that. The tool, which is a self-assessment for both nursing staff more

    Issues: Improving Health Equity Location: California

  3. Modernization of California Nurse Practitioner Practice is Overdue: Implications for Nurse-Led Clinics

    Nov 18, 2020

    The Need The need for the expansion and growth of nurse-led clinics, to deliver primary and behavioral health services, is well supported by health data from national, state, and local sources. These data document the extent of primary care physician shortages in underserved more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Improving Access to Care Location: California

  4. New Law to Improve Californians Access to Care
    Consumers to Benefit from Improved Health Equity

    Sep 30, 2020

    California’s 39 million residents will have significantly improved access to care from advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs), thanks to legislation more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: California

  5. The Fight for Accessible Health Care Belongs to Us All

    Jul 11, 2019

    Patients—not nurses—are the story when it comes to state legislative battles to modernize advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) scope of practice laws. Explain to someone more

    Issues: Improving Access to Care Location: California

  6. Nurse Leaders Inspired Her to Be a Nurse Champion

    Apr 16, 2019

    Nursing Journeys is a profile series featuring Action Coalition leaders discussing their career paths and reflecting on the lessons more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Location: California

  7. National

    Nursing Professor Aims to Improve Lives of Teens, Young Adults with Mood Disorders

    Jul 13, 2018

    This is the 13th in a series of profiles of Campaign leaders talking about their connections to the nursing or health care profession and their interests in healthier communities. Melissa Pinto, PhD, RN, FAAN, is associate professor of nursing at the University of more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Location: California National

  8. National

    From One Coast to Another, Nurse Brings Health to Neighborhoods In Need

    Feb 06, 2018

    When asked where she grew up, Gloria McNeal responds with a mere ZIP code. But don’t expect to hear 90210, or any other such posh digits. “One-nine-one-two-three,” she says, “and that is a ZIP code you didn’t want to come from.” It may not have been her (or more

    Issues: Building Healthier Communities Promoting Nursing Leadership Location: California National Pennsylvania

Displaying 1-8 of 16


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